“Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not the sitter.”
17-year old photographer.
What I can’t see with my eyeglasses, I see with a camera lens. Which, to be fair, isn’t a lot - I’m pretty blind.
But this isn’t about me, is it?
I have been most inspired by the simple lifestyle, gritty optimism, and urban disposition that characterizes my grandparents, who still live in my hometown of North Bergen, New Jersey.
This playground of brick studio apartments and actual playgrounds, serviced by 24-7 corner-stop bodegas and fed by mom-and-pop bakeries is the stuff of my childhood dreams.
My grandparents remind me who I am, where I came from: they call me by my real name, they pronounce the vowels and consonants like you’re supposed to, not the bastardized English rough around the syllables.
They inspire all my work.
Meet my family.